
With the exponential growth of multi-omics data, its integration and utilization have brought unprecedented opportunities for the interpretation of gene regulation mechanisms and the comprehensive analyses of biological systems. IAnimal (https://ianimal.pro/), a cross-species, multi-omics knowledgebase, was developed to improve the utilization of massive public data and simplify the integration of multi-omics information to mine the genetic mechanisms of objective traits. Currently, IAnimal provides 61 191 individual omics data of genome (WGS), transcriptome (RNA-Seq), epigenome (ChIP-Seq, ATAC-Seq)and genome annotation information for 21 species, such as mice, pigs, cattle, chickens, and macaques. The scale of its total clean data has reached 846.46 TB. To better understand the biological significance of omics information, a deep learning model for IAnimal was built based on BioBERT and AutoNER to mine 'gene' and 'trait' entities from 2 794 237 abstracts, which has practical significance for comprehending how each omics layer regulates genes to affect traits. By means of user-friendly web interfaces, flexible data application programming interfaces, and abundant functional modules, IAnimal enables users to easily query, mine, and visualize characteristics in various omics, and to infer how genes play biological roles under the influence of various omics layers.

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