
During the COVID-19 pandemic, many crucial services for youth shifted to online delivery. Yet, little is known about the processes of providing online support to newcomer youth from the perspective of the service users. Say Ça! is a community-based organization in Montreal that supports newcomer youth through language tutoring and cultural activities. Photo journals by six newcomer 12–17-year-olds and group interviews with 11 program facilitators explored how the pandemic affected the youth’s experiences participating in Say Ça!. Findings highlight key elements of online learning program delivery essential to the youth’s engagement during the pandemic. Notably, adopting a relationship-centered approach that strengthened one-on-one tutor-youth relationships and a youth-centered approach that offered a space of self-expression, academic support, and leisure parting from the youth’s interests. Strategies developed by community-engaged organizations are essential to develop adequate services that respond to the changing needs of their populations in the context of a crisis.

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