
This paper puts forward a new hypothesis to interpret the high carrier frequency of CFTR mutations in individuals of European descent. The proposed heterozygote advantage factor is related to the specific climate conditions in Europe during the last 50ky that might have heavily compromised the respiratory function of our ancestors in Eurasia. A large part of the last 50ky was cold, and the coldest period was the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) (26.5 to 19kya). The global climate was dry with a dust-laden atmosphere (20 to 25 times more dust than the present level). High levels of atmospheric dust started more than 40kya and ended less than 10kya.Secretion of airway fluid is usually related to the submucosal tissue hydration, while salt reabsorption relies on activation of CFTRs that allow ENaCs to absorb salt and water. The water loss by evaporation depends on the air humidity and flow rate. Salt accumulation in the mucus is normally prevented by reabsorption of Na+ and Cl− by epithelial cells if the presence of functional CFTRs is normal.If one gene for CFTR is mutated, the number of functional CFTRs is reduced and this limits the capacity of salt reabsorption by epithelial cells. This means that evaporation makes the airway fluid more hypertonic, and osmotic forces bring more water from the interstitial space, thus leading to a new balance in mucosal fluid traffic. Increased osmolarity and volume of airway fluid can be more moveable in cases when evaporation and dust exposure is increased.If both CFTR genes are mutated, low number of functional CFTRs diminishes salt resorption of epithelial cells. Salt accumulated in the mucous fluid within respiratory ducts, as previously described. The hypertonic ductal content forces more water and some electrolytes to enter the airway fluid from the interstitial fluid, and evaporation leads to further concentration of thick immobile mucus.The proposed interpretation is that CFTR mutations have spread among our ancestors that roamed the central Eurasia after the LGM. The heterozygote individuals might have benefitted from the limited water resorption in their respiratory mucosa that allowed improved airway cleansing.

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