
Temperature of colon, interscapular brown adipose tissue (IBAT) and paw skin (index of vasomotor activity) were monitored before and after microwire knife lesions at the pre-pontine or/and the post-mammilary levels in the urethane-anaesthetized rats at room temperature of 23–24°C. Following the pre-pontine, but not the post-mammilary cut, colonic and IBAT temperatures increased by 3–4°C within 90–240 min. IBAT temperature rose faster with a shorter latency and attained a higher steady-state value than colonic temperature; skin temperature, however rose by only 0.8°C. A procaine microinjection into the pre-pontine area transiently increased by more than 1°C both colonic and IBAT temperatures, with similar kinetic as for the knife cut. Cardiac output distribution was measured using radiolabelled microspheres. Brown adipose tissue (BAT) was found to be the only organ to which the fractional blood flow increased dramatically (12 times over baseline value) during the development of hyperthermia. Propranolol, injected after the hyperthermia had fully developed, decreased IBAT and then colonic temperatures. Hexamethonium decreased both colonic and IBAT temperatures with a concomitant rise in skin temperature while tubocurarine was without effect. It is concluded that the hyperthermia observed after the pre-pontine lesion results from an increased sympathetic stimulation of BAT thermogenesis triggered by the release of a tonic inhibitory control on its heat production. Such an inhibitory system would be located somewhere between the lower midbrain and the upper pons.

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