
This study tightly controlled seizure duration and severity during status epilepticus (SE) in postnatal day 10 (P10) rats, in order to isolate hyperthermia as the main variable and to study its consequences. Body temperature was maintained at 39±1°C in hyperthermic SE rats (HT+SE) or at 35±1°C in normothermic SE animals (NT+SE) during 30min of SE, which was induced by lithium–pilocarpine (3mEq/kg, 60mg/kg) and terminated by diazepam and cooling to NT. All video/EEG measures of SE severity were similar between HT+SE and NT+SE pups. At 24h, neuronal injury was present in the amygdala in the HT+SE group only, and was far more severe in the hippocampus in HT+SE than NT+SE pups. Separate groups of animals were monitored four months later for spontaneous recurrent seizures (SRS). Only HT+SE animals developed convulsive SRS. Both HT+SE and NT+SE animals developed electrographic SRS (83% vs. 55%), but SRS frequency and severity were higher in hyperthermic animals (12.5±3.5 vs. 4.2±2.0SRS/day). The density of hilar neurons was lower, thickness of the amygdala and perirhinal cortex was reduced, and lateral ventricles were enlarged in HT+SE over NT+SE littermates and HT/NT controls.In this model, hyperthermia greatly increased the epileptogenicity of SE and its neuropathological sequelae.

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