
All hypersurface homogeneous locally rotationalsymmetric spacetimes which admit conformal symmetriesare determined and the symmetry vectors are givenexplicitly. It is shown that these spacetimes must beconsidered in two sets. One set containing Ellis class IIand the other containing Ellis class I, III LRSspacetimes. The determination of the conformal algebra inthe first set is achieved by systematizing and completingresults on the determination of CKVs in 2 + 2decomposable spacetimes. In the second set new methodsare developed. The results are applied to obtain theclassification of the conformal algebra of allstatic LRS spacetimes in terms of geometrical variables.Furthermore, all perfect fluid non-tilted LRSspacetimes which admit proper conformal symmetries aredetermined and the physical properties of some of themare discussed.

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