
Hyperfine splittings were measured in selected rotational lines of the (1–0) vibrational band of the B∼3Πg-A∼3Σu+ transition of 14N2 in a low pressure discharge. Frequency modulated saturation dip spectroscopy produced hyperfine resolved, sub-Doppler lines with typical full-width at half-maximum line widths of 7MHz. Hyperfine transitions within 27 rotational lines in the R33, Q33, Q21, Q22, R11, and Q11 branches were recorded for J between 2 and 12, and fit with the same Hamiltonian used previously by Geisen, Neuschafer and Ottinger [Z. Phys. D 4, 263 (1987)]. The resulting parameters are (in MHz, with one standard deviation in parentheses): α=13.19(13), β=−12.36(18), e2q0Q=−1.19(25) for the (v″=0)A∼3Σu+ state; and K11=98.52(50), D11=13.09(59), D1−1=−44.11(16), G11=70.00(52), Q11=1.390(98) and Q1−1=1.65(11) for the (v′=1) B∼3Πg state.

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