
Time series of stem diameter variations (SDVs) recorded by dendrometers are composed of two components: (i) irreversible radial stem growth and (ii) reversible stem shrinking and swelling caused by dynamics in water storage in elastic tissues outside the cambium. However, SDVs measured over dead outer bark (periderm) could also be affected by absorption and evaporation of water from remaining dead bark layers after smoothing the stem surface to properly mount dendrometers. Therefore, the focus of this study was to determine the influence of hygroscopicity of a thin dead outer bark layer on the reversible component of dendrometer records of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) under field conditions. To accomplish this, SDVs deduced from dendrometers mounted over dead outer bark were compared among living and dead saplings and mature trees. Results revealed that dead trees showed high synchronicity in reversible daily SDVs compared to living trees throughout several growing seasons (mean Pearson correlation coefficient (r) = 0.844 among saplings and r = 0.902 among mature trees, respectively; P<0.001). Furthermore, diurnal and long-term SDVs closely followed changes in relative air humidity (RH) in living and dead trees. A multiple linear regression analysis of environmental influence on SDVs in dead and living trees revealed that the most important predictor of daily SDVs was RH (relative importance 64 %). Hence, results indicate that dendrometers mounted over dead outer bark with a thickness of <4 mm record hygroscopic shrinking and swelling of the bark tissue, which can amplify fluctuations in whole-tree water status. To conclude, hygroscopic processes must be taken into account when extracting intra-annual radial growth, determining environmental drivers of SDVs, and evaluating changes in tree water status from SDVs recorded by dendrometers, which were mounted over even thin dead outer bark layers.

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