
Introduction. In connection with the widespread introduction of new preparative forms of pesticides and methods of their introduction into the environment, the urgent task of the modern period is to minimize the risk of exposure to pesticides on the health of workers and the population-the use of diflubenzuron of low and medium toxicity increases. Therefore, a mandatory criterion for assessing risk is registration tests, carried out during several stages - as hazard identification, hazard characterization, exposure assessment, risk characterization. Purpose of work. To assess the regularities of the formation of the risk of diflubenzuron by exposure and by the absorbed dose, depending on the type of preparative form of pesticides with different technologies of their introduction and regulating safe use measures. Materials and methods. The obtained exposure levels of insecticides based on diflubenzuron in the air and on the skin were compared with the hygienic standards calculated and experimentally established as follows: MPC (mg/m3) in the air of the working area and approximate admissible level (AAL) (mg/cm2) of skin contamination. The exposure level risk was determined by the safety level (SL) SLsumm value. The risk of exposure to insecticides based on diflubenzuron for the operator / user / refueller / pilot / signaller based on the absorbed dose, determined by the safety factor - SLp, and the exposure -SBsumm, is considered acceptable when SLsumm and SLp <1. Results. The paper presents the risk analysis results of the impact of diflubenzuron-based insecticides studied in natural conditions using 27 drugs with different preparative forms and methods (technologies) of their introduction into the environment. The risk of exposure to insecticides (SLsumm) for all technologies is acceptable SL. The risk of absorbed dose (SLp) was more significant regardless of the type of formulation. Wettable powder formulations are more unfavourable to use than other formulations. Conclusion. The conditions for the use of preparations based on diflubenzuron in the technologies of ground boom spraying and fan spraying of field and horticultural crops, in the treatment of field and forest crops by the aerial method, in the treatment of field and horticultural crops in private household plots, in the treatment of champignons in protected ground, compliance with regulations and measures safety meet hygienic requirements.


  • In connection with the widespread introduction of new preparative forms of pesticides and methods of their introduction into the environment, the urgent task of the modern period is to minimize the risk of exposure to pesticides on the health of workers and the population-the use of diflubenzuron of low and medium toxicity increases

  • The obtained exposure levels of insecticides based on diflubenzuron in the air and on the skin were compared with the hygienic standards calculated and experimentally established as follows: MPC in the air of the working area and approximate admissible level (AAL) of skin contamination

  • The risk of exposure to insecticides based on diflubenzuron for the operator / user / refueller / pilot / signaller based on the absorbed dose, determined by the safety factor – SLp, and the exposure – SBsumm, is considered acceptable when SLsumm and SLp < 1

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Артемова О.В., Тарасова Л.С., Ильницкая А.В., Липкина Л.И. Гигиеническая оценка пестицидов на основе дифлубензурона при различных технологиях применения. Цель работы – оценить закономерности формирования риска дифлубензурона по экспозиции и по поглощённой дозе в зависимости от вида препаративной формы пестицидов при разных технологиях их внесения и регламентировать меры безопасного применения. Риск воздействия инсектицидов на основе дифлубензурона для оператора/пользователя/заправщика/пилота/сигнальщика по поглощённой дозе, определяемый величиной коэффициента безопасности – КБп, так же как и по экспозиции – КБсумм, считался допустимым при величине КБсумм и КБп ≤ 1. Представлены результаты анализа риска воздействия инсектицидов на основе дифлубензурона, изученные в натурных условиях при применении 27 препаратов с разными препаративными формами и способами (технологиями) их внесения в окружающую среду. Риск воздействия инсектицидов по экспозиции (КБсумм) при всех технологиях является допустимым, риск по поглощённой дозе (Кбп) оказался более значимым независимо от вида препаративной формы. Гигиеническая оценка пестицидов на основе дифлубензурона при различных технологиях применения. Erisman of the Federal Service for Supervision in Protection of the Rights of Consumer and Man Wellbeing, Mytishchi, 141014, Russian Federation

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Риск Risk
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