
ABSTRACT Piezoelectric sensors for underwater sonar require high hydrostatic piezoelectric properties (dh, gh and HFOM), and research is being conducted on various types of piezoelectric composites to improve them. In this study, research was conducted to improve the hydrostatic piezoelectric properties of 1–3 type piezoelectric composites using PZT piezoelectric ceramics and polymers. First, the appropriate material and volume fraction of the piezoelectric ceramic were selected through numerical analysis, and then experimental specimens were produced by applying various porosity of the polymer matrix. As a result of the experiment, it was confirmed that dh increased by 75% as the porosity of the polymer matrix increased. This phenomenon was analyzed to be caused by a change in elastic modulus. In addition, gh and HFOM also increased by 70% and 210% as the porosity of the polymer matrix increased. These results experimentally demonstrated that controlling the porosity of the polymer matrix is useful for improving the hydrostatic piezoelectric properties of type 1–3 piezoelectric composites.

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