
Southeastern Maine contains numerous small seepage lakes (no perennial surface inflows or outflows), set in felsic, glacial deposits (eskers, pitted outwash, glacio-marine deltaic terraces) dating from the Wisconsin glacial retreat ca. 12 500 years B.P. The modern landscape is either forested or maintained as low blueberry heath by semi-annual mowing and burning. Although local precipitation is currently moderately acidic (volume-weighted pH ≈ 4.5), spring waters issuing from the glacial deposits are only weakly acidic (6.1 < pH < 7.0), and bicarbonate-buffered (120 to 300 mmol m −3) on account of tertiary weathering by dissolved CO 2. The order of mobility (denudation rate) for base cations (BC) is: Ca > Na > Mg > K, the same as for upland granitic terrane in the same region. Springwater composition is temporally stable but geographically variable. The most dilute springwaters drain blueberry barrens. Here, chemical weathering is limited by available acidity as evidenced by the relatively high final pHs (> 6.3) and low concentrations of strong oxy-anions (nitrate, sulfate) and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC < 250 μM). Closely neighboring lakes often range widely in alkalinity, BC, and F, depending on their connection to the local groundwater system. Tracer analysis indicates seepage inflow is equal to 5–50 cm year −1 for typical regional seepage lakes, vs. higher rates (> 100 cm year −1) for groundwater discharge lakes. Approximately 88% of Si inputs to regional seepage lakes is retained in the sediments. Non-marine sulfate is lowest in groundwater discharge lakes containing the highest concentrations of BC and F, and featuring the shortest hydraulic residence times, suggesting that S retention in lake sediments is currently less efficient than in the adjoining terrestrial soils and vegetation.

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