
The pyrimidineNH3 van der Waals complex has been studied using a combination of resonant two-photon ionisation (R2PI) spectroscopy, ab initio molecular orbital calculations and multidimensional Franck-Condon analysis. The R2PI spectrum is assignable to a single stable conformer in which the ammonia molecule binds via two hydrogen bonds within the plane of the ring, in a location which minimises repulsion between the ammonia nitrogen lone pair and that of the second, more remote pyrimidine nitrogen in the 3 position on the opposite side of the ring. Ground state estimated CCSD(T) interaction energies were extrapolated to the complete basis set limit: these calculations found the dissociation energy of the most stable conformer, σ(B), to be 20% larger than that of a second in-plane conformer, σ(A), in which the ammonia forms a similar pseudo five-membered ring, bridging the nitrogen at the 1 position with the carbon at the 2 position. This conformation in turn was found to have a dissociation energy 35% larger than that of a π-complex in which the ammonia binds above the plane of the aromatic ring. The results of multidimensional Franck-Condon simulations based on ab initio ground and excited state CASSCF and RICC2 geometry optimisations and vibrational frequency calculations showed good agreement with experiment. It is postulated that longer-range electrostatic interactions between the ammonia lone pair and the more distant of the two ring nitrogens on the pyrimidine, play a key role in determining which of the two in-plane structures is the more stable and which, therefore, is responsible for all of the spectral features observed in the R2PI spectrum.

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