
Preclinicl studies of new nutritional supplements include the establishment of not only harmlessness, lethal or semi-lethal dose, but also biochemical signs of the laboratory animals at certain doses of the substance. New food additives include modified starch. Of scientific interest are the studies of white mice hydrocarbon metabolism considering the safety of modified starch. The study of modified starch safety was performed according to the established requirements. Eighteen 2-month-old laboratory mice (females) were used for the study, with an average body weight of 19–21 g. Groups were formed using the randomization method. Each group consisted of six experimental animals. Experiments on the harmlessness of modified starch on white mice were performed according to the scheme, where animals from the control group were intramuscularly administered 0.3 cm3 of 0.9% NaCI solution. Mice from the first experimental group were led with a 5.0% solution of modified starch. Animals from experimental II were guided by a 10.0% solution of modified starch. The volume of solutions of modified starch was 0.3 cm3. Blood serum of laboratory mice was tested for glucose, lactic and pyruvic acid levels, and the liver was used to determine glycogen level. All those actions were performed according to current bioethics requirements. It was experimentally proven that on the eleventh day from the beginning of injecting the 0.3 cm3 5.0% and 10.0% solution of modified starch in the blood serum of the laboratory mice glucose content did not differ from those obtained in control animals, which were injected with saline. When using the test solutions, itt was found that the levels of lactic and pyruvic acid in the serum of experimental animals were within the physiological standards. In those mice that were injected intragastrically the increased doses of modified starch the level of glycogen in the liver was about 39.7–40.1 g/kg which corresponded to physiological standards. Thus, a single injection of 0.3 cm3 5.0% and 10.0% solution of modified starch does not cause disorder of hydrocarbon metabolism in mice.


  • Of scientific interest are the studies of white mice hydrocarbon metabolism considering the safety of modified starch

  • Blood serum of laboratory mice was tested for glucose, lactic and pyruvic acid levels, and the liver was used to determine glycogen level

  • It was experimentally proven that on the eleventh day from the beginning of injecting the 0.3 cm3 5.0% and 10.0% solution of modified starch in the blood serum of the laboratory mice glucose content did not differ from those obtained in control animals, which were injected with saline

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Blood serum of laboratory mice was tested for glucose, lactic and pyruvic acid levels, and the liver was used to determine glycogen level. All those actions were performed according to current bioethics requirements. When using the test solutions, itt was found that the levels of lactic and pyruvic acid in the serum of experimental animals were within the physiological standards. In those mice that were injected intragastrically the increased doses of modified starch the level of glycogen in the liver was about 39.7–40.1 g/kg which corresponded to physiological standards.

Вуглеводневий обмін у мишей за доклінічних досліджень модифікованого крохмалю
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