
AGRICULTURE in India is by far the main Jr\. occupation of its teeming millions, and it is a form of agriculture which has not as yet been greatly modified by the impact of British administration, or markedly influenced by the development in scientific crop-production. The cultivator and his family, equipped with little but oxen and abundant leisure, wring a scanty existence out of a small-. r; holding, which may be so small that the average|i i for a province (U.P.) is only about 2J acres. The admirable work of Mr. A. Howard, when director of the Institute of Plant Industry at Indore, in the advancement of Indian agriculture is well known. It was his aim to bring about a revolution in crop production by the gradual introduction of intensive methods, to raise production all over India, in dry as well as irrigated areas. Through such increased production, he hoped to provide for the social and material betterment of the rural population.

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