
AbstractHuman disturbance from tourism and other non‐consumptive activities in protected areas may be stressful to wildlife. Animals may move away in space or time to avoid human interaction. For species of particular conservation concern, such as Baird's tapirs (Tapirus bairdii) and jaguars (Panthera onca), a better understanding of how they respond to different levels and types of disturbance is needed in order to manage human visitation to parks in ways that minimize negative outcomes for wildlife. We describe the overlap in activity patterns of tapirs, jaguars, and humans at logged and unlogged sites and at places with low versus high human visitation using camera survey data from protected areas of NW Belize, 2013–2016. Tapirs were nocturnal in all study sites, with > 80% of all tapir detections occurring between 1900 hr and 0500 hr. Their activity patterns were not different in unlogged versus logged sites and did not change with increased human traffic. Jaguars were cathemeral across sites but had more nocturnal activity at the site with the most human impact. Activity pattern overlap between tapirs and jaguars did not differ significantly between logged and unlogged sites, nor between areas with low and high human activity. Human traffic increased from 2013 to 2016 at most of the study locations. In conclusion, this camera trap dataset suggests that non‐consumptive human disturbance does not alter the activity patterns of tapirs and jaguars in protected areas lacking hunting pressure.Abstract in Spanish is available with online material.

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