
Huehuecuetzpalli mixtecusgen. et sp. nov. is characterized by a combination of characters unlike those of any of the previously described Late Jurassic or Early Cretaceous lizards. It has most of the synapomorphies common to modern squamates, but still retains primitive features rare in living taxa. Autapomorphic characters include an anteroposteriorly elongated premaxilla that results in the elongation of the snout and the apparent retraction of the external nares. A small rounded postfrontal and a parietal foramen on the frontoparietal suture suggest affinities with iguanians, but the retention of divided premaxillae, amphicoelous vertebrae, thoracolumbar intercentra, entepicondylar foramen, and a second distal tarsal supports the hypothesis thatHuehuecuetzpallihas a more basal position relative to the extant squamates. Although its appearance is late in the fossil record of lizards,Huehuecuetzpalliis the first report of a basal squamate. It provides important information on early transformation of characters in lizard evolution. Many primitive characters present in some modern squamates are usually explained by paedomorphosis; however, these characters are common in early lizards suggesting that derived states may have been fixed later in lizard evolution. IfHuehuecuetzpalliis an iguanian, then it would be the earliest known representative of this lineage and extends their fossil record into the Albian. This paper presents an extensive review of the characters and character states used in previously published cladistic analyses of the Squamata.

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