
Abstract: Self-efficacy is related to activities in process. Individuals who are involved in an activity will be divided their attention and concentration when faced with other activities at the same time. Based on the narrative of the classroom teacher, students who have a report card score above the average are indeed students who are active, confident, enthusiastic, diligent in doing the teacher's homework or exercises. Meanwhile, students who have unsatisfactory average report cards come from students who are fairly shy, lack self-confidence, are less enthusiastic in learning and avoid and complain when they get assignments or homework from the teacher. The research objectives consisted of 2 types, namely general and specific objectives include analyzing and describing the relationship between self-efficacy and learning outcomes for students of SMP Negeri 4 Demak. The research method used is ex post facto research with the type of quantitative research, the results of descriptive analysis of the self-efficacy variables obtained in each class VII, VII and IX have the highest value of 93; the lowest score is 71; average value 81.24; and a standard deviation of 4.33, and students who have high self-efficacy are 31 students (18.02%), students who have moderate self-efficacy are 195 students (66.86%), and the number of students who have low self-efficacy is 21 students. (15.12%). Learning outcomes based on table 12 can be seen that students who have high learning achievement consist of 40 students (22.60%), students who have moderate learning outcomes are 185 students (52.88%), and students who have low learning outcomes totaled 42 students (24.52%). Conclusion The magnitude of the relationship or correlation between the self-efficacy variable and learning outcomes shown in the Pearson Correlation is 0.723 and a P value of 0.00 <0.05, so it can be concluded that there is a positive and significant relationship between the two variables.

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