
The best food for babies aged 0-6 is breast milk. Mother's Milk (ASI) is the best and most ideal source of energy with a balanced composition according to the needs of the baby during the growth period, the benefits of breastfeeding are not only felt by babies but also by mothers, the environment and even the country. The food digestive system is related to receiving food and preparing it for processing by the body. The food digestion process can occur normally and can experience interference, this is because food substances are digested by the body, so that digestive problems can occur such as constipation. Constipation is a defect that is no more frequent than every three days. In normal children, stool consistency and frequency of bowel movements can vary. Breast milk may experience defecation after each breastfeeding or only once every 7-10 days. Babies fed with formulas and older children may experience bowel movements every 2-3 days. The Purpose study was to determine the frequency distribution of MP-ASI, contipation and to know the relationship between MP-ASI and contipation. This type of research is using analytic survey research methods with Crossectional design. The samples to be studied were 30 respondents. Data were analyzed by conducting chi-square analysis test. Showed that there was a relationship between the relationship between MP-ASI and contipation, namely (p = 0.006). This study is that there is a significant relationship between the administration of MP-ASI and contipation, namely (p = 0.006).Keywords: MP-ASI, Contipation In Infant Before The Age of 6 months


  • most ideal source of energy with a balanced composition according to the needs of the baby

  • The food digestive system is related to receiving food

  • this is because food substances are digested by the body

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PENDAHULUAN Makanan yang terbaik untuk bayi usia

Air susu ibu (ASI) merupakan sumber energi terbaik dan paling ideal dengan komposisi yang seimbang sesuai dengan kebutuhan bayi pada masa pertumbuhan, manfaat pemberian ASI tidak hanya dirasakan oleh bayi tetapi juga oleh ibu, lingkungan bahkan negara. Jurnal Riset Hesti Medan, Vol 3, No 2, Desember 2018 bertambah karena seiring dengan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan bayi, sedangkan produksi ASI mulai menurun, sehingga bayi sangat memerlukan makanan tambahan sebagai pendamping ASI. Proses pencernaan makanan dapat terjadi secara normal dan dapat mengalami gangguan, hal ini dikarenakan zat makanan yang dicerna oleh tubuh, sehingga dapat terjadi masalah dalam pencernaan seperti konstipasi. Menurut WHO dari 15.264 bayi 0-6 bulan yang diperiksa, yang minum ASI eksklusif sebanyak 9.254 bayi (60,6%), yang tidak mendapatkan ASI eksklusif sebanyak. 6.010 bayi (39,9) sedangkan yang memberikan makanan pendamping ASI tepat waktu 41%, yang memberikan MP-. Di Asia 5,542 bayi (43,8) dari 12.642 bayi 0-11 bulan yang diperiksa, yang mendapatkan ASI eksklusif.

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