
Abstract : This study aims to examine whether or not there is a meaningful relationship between textbooks and the school environment with the results of learning social science both one by one and together. This research was conducted at the junior high school (SMP) which is located in the Bekasi City environment. The time of implementation this research is carried out from November to February 2019. For the independent variables, namely the use of textbooks and the school environment, the data was collected using questioner. The measuring instrument uses a likert scale, while the final variable is the result of learning social science whose instruments use a multiple choice test. The research method used to explain the relationship between the research variables is the survey method. Testing the validity of the textbook and school environment using the product moment formula and the reliability calculation using the Alpha formula of Social Sciences using the biserial point correlation formula and reliability calculation using the KR-20 formula. Data analysis techniques using statistical tests in the form of correlation and simple linear regression and multiple correlations and regression. Hypothesis testing is carried out at a significant level.This research produces three main conclusions, namely:(1) There is a positive and significant relationship between the use of textbooks and learning outcomes of Social Sciences (IPS). (2) There is a positive and significant relationship between the school environment and the learning outcomes of Social Sciences (IPS). (3) There is a positive and significant relationship between the relationship between the use of textbooks and the school environment together with the learning outcomes of Social Sciences (IPS).


  • Abstrak : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji ada tidaknya hubungan yang bermakna antara buku teks dan lingkungan sekolah dengan hasil belajar Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial baik satu per satu dan bersama-sama

  • This study aims to examine whether or not there is a meaningful relationship between textbooks and the school environment with the results of learning social science both one by one and together

  • New York: Publis Hard by Holt, Rinehar and Ringston, Inc. Sabdulloh

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Abstract : This study aims to examine whether or not there is a meaningful relationship between textbooks and the school environment with the results of learning social science both one by one and together. Peneliti memandang perlu melakukan penelitian mengenai hubungan antara pemanfaatan buku teks dan lingkungan sekolah dengan hasil belajar Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial (IPS), Hal ini yang mendasari peneliti untuk melakukan penelitian karena belum adanya hasil penelitian yang menunjukan seberapa rendah atau tinggi hubungan antara factor interen dengan hasil belajar IPS siswa di SMP Se-Kota Bekasi. Dari beberapa pendapat diatas dapat disimpulkan bahwa hasil belajar Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial adalah mata pelajaran yang khususkan dalam beberapa kajian seperti sejarah, geografi, ekonomi, politik, sosiologi, antropologi, dan psikologi. Dengan demikian pengertian pemanfaatan buku teks adalah buku acuan wajib yang digunakan oleh siswa di sekolahsekolah dan Mahasiswa di perguruan tinggi sebagai suatu kegiatan yang diterima dalam pembelajaran. METODE Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif jenis survey korelasional yang berupaya memperoleh jawaban empirik mengenai adanya hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara pemanfatan buku teks dan lingkungan sekolah dengan hasil belajar Ilmu Pengetahuan Ilmu Pendidikan Sosial (IPS). Selanjutnya dalam menguji hipotesis menggunakan statistik inferensial.Untuk pengujian hipotesis menggunakan analisis korelasi sederhana dan regresi berganda tetapi sebelumnya menggunakan uji persyaratan analisis yaitu uji normalitas dan uji homogenitas. hasil belajar IPS

Variance Range Minimum Maximum
Hasil belajar
Pengelomp okan
Sum of Df
Standardized t
Estimate Change
Model R
Standardized Coefficients
Square R Square the
Df sekolah
Lingkungan sekolah
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