
Periodontal disease is one of the oral cavity diseases that has a high prevalence. Periodontal disease is often chronic and one of the public health problem. Data of the annual reports Padang Health Department in 2008, showed that periodontal disease is fourth highest in the community. Aim of this study is determine the relationship of smoking with periodontal disease the employees of PT. Family Raya Gurun Laweh Lubuk Begalung Padang.
 Design of this study is Cross Sectional Study. The research was conducted at Gurun Laweh Nan XX street, Lubuk Begalung district, Padang on 27 January to 6 February 2012. This population study is an employee of PT. Family Raya Gurun Laweh Lubuk Begalung Padang, the sample size is 70 peoples. Sampling technique used is Simple Random Sampling, data collection was done by a questionaire, and data processing and analysis by computer.
 The result showed that most (80 %) of respondents were smokers, and more than half of the respondents (61,4 % ) has a final stage of periodontal destructive disease. The result of the analysis showed that there is a significant relastionship between smoking habits with periodontal disease index (p=0,0001).
 In efforts to prevent periodontal disease, can be done by giving guidance to the public to abandon the habit of smoking to prevent the occurence of more severe periodontal disease.

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