
Modern scholars analyze the chronicles of the Indies as a set of accounts, reports, ways of narrating the lived experiences in the New World, which were tinged with providentialism, mesianism and other value judgments from their rhetoric structure and judeo- Christian pastoral. The Historia by Fernandez de Oviedo (1478-1557) is a perfect example. Although the Historia contains various elements of style that are representative of a genre whose main quality has undoubtedly to do with historiography, it incorporates many allegorical and imaginative levels belonging to a literary textual formation. In this article I shall explore both the construction of a model of Christian hero, and its reverse, as literary figures in the elaboration of a imperialistic and colonial historiography.


  • Autores recientes insisten en que las crónicas de Indias son un conjunto de narraciones, relatos, estilos de contar las experiencias vividas en el Nuevo Mundo, impregnadas de providencialismo, mesianismo y de otros juicios de valor procedentes de su formación retórica y de la pastoral judeocristiana

  • Modern scholars analyze the chronicles of the Indies as a set of accounts, reports, ways of narrating the lived experiences in the New World, which were tinged with providentialism, mesianism and other value judgments from their rhetoric structure and judeoChristian pastoral

  • The Historia contains various elements of style that are representative of a genre whose main quality has undoubtedly to do with historiography, it incorporates many allegorical and imaginative levels belonging to a literary textual formation

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17 Pupo-Walker

La vocación literaria..., págs. 38 y ss. Arrom: “Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo...”, pág. 134. Sobre esta mediación entre el texto historiográfico ovetense y la audiencia, véase también Kohut: “La conquista...”, págs. 42-44

34 Mendiola
54 Pastor
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