
We analyzed the survival rate of the immature stages of Trichogramma species and lines that differed in their mode of reproduction. Specifically, we compared the mortality of arrhenotokous (W(-)), irrevertable thelytokous (W(-)), and Wolbachia-associated thelytokous (W(+)) forms. The embryonic mortality of the W(+) strains was significantly higher than that of the W(-) lines. The embryonic mortality was negligible for the arrhenotokous Trichogramma evanescens and the thelytokous Trichogramma cacoeciae, which is not infected with Wolbachia. Only 30% of the eggs of the Wolbachia-infected strains developed to adults, while the emergence rate of the Wolbachia-free strains was more than 78%, irrespective of the origin of the strains. More than 78% of the overall mortality in W(+) strains happened during the early stages of development. About 35% of embryos of W(+) strains remain in the mitotic stage even 48 h after oviposition. Most embryos of W(-) strains had already developed to cellular blastoderm after 6 h, regardless of strains. The mortality of immature stages in W(+) strains was mainly caused by the failure of the mitotic divisions.

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