
Commentator: Station WTHEO brings you this evening another in its series of discussions on religious and philosophical issues. Our subject is How Do We Know God Our two discussants are men famous for their work in theology-Dr. Thomas Aquinas and Dr. Karl Barth. Dr. Aquinas is a well-known authority of the Roman Catholic Church, while Dr. Barth enjoys a wide following among Protestant churches. Their views are quite different, so we anticipate a lively discussion. We shall now hear from the speakers themselves. Barth: As I was reviewing a few of your works before this program I was once again reminded of the influence that Aristotle has had upon your thinking. Do you agree with many of his ideas ? Aquinas: I find that the Philosopher has taught me a great deal, and I have been particularly impressed with his categories, as well as with his explanation of causes. In fact I have adopted some of his methods in my theological works. Perhaps this use of philosophy sounds abhorrent to you, but I must in fairness confess that I find not only influences of Kierkegaard in your writings, but also of Immanuel Kant and existentialist philosophers. Am I not right in this? Barth: This is certainly a point of frequent confusion. Many people assume that I deny all philosophy, whereas my basic premise is that man, in absolutizing reason and philosophy, has completely misinterp eted theology. Man proudly thinks that he can seek out and discover God through reason, mystical experience, or some other means. Foolishness! Christian faith is not

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