
The present study was conducted in Elkom Elakhdar village, Shebin El-Kom, Menoufia Governorate, during 2012 to determine the species composition and the occurrence frequency of dust mites collected from three rural houses of different development stages, as well as to determine the toxicity limits of different concentrations of three essential plant oils against two species of the family Pyroglyphidae, the main cause of allergies to humans. The results revealed 11 mite species belonging to five families (Pyroglyphidae, Chortoglyphidae, Glycyphagidae, Acaridae, and Cheyletidae). Of the total collected number of mites (5276) the most dominant species were the dust mites Dermatophagoides farinae (66.1 %), followed by D. pteronyssinus (23.3 %), while the rest of the species, Chortoglyphus arcuatus, Lepidoglyphus destructor, Glycyphagus domesticus, Gohieria fusca, Tyrophagus putrescentiae, Caloglyphus sp, Cheyletus malaccensis, Blomia sp. and Acarus siro ranged between 0.16 and 2.0 %. Regarding the effect of t...

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