
KERN (4) and COOKE (3) were the first who connected the pathogenesis of house dust asthma with an immunological process. “House dust contains an allergen” they proclaimed. “Is a mite the producer of the house dust allergen?” asked VOORHORST and coworkers 1964 (10). They found that mites of the genus Dermatophagoides could be recognized to be an important source of house dust allergen. They also noticed that dust samples of houses in Davos (high mountain area in Grisons-CH) contained less allergen than dust from houses in the Netherlands. (8) The optimum environment for Pyroglypidae is a temperature of 20–25° Celsius and a humidity of 70–80%. (7) Using a major allergen purified from Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus TO-VEY et al reported an assay suitable for measuring mite derived allergen in house dust. This major allergen was called antigen PI. (9) Using this radioimmunoassay they demonstrated that the allergen accumulates in mite culture as fecal pellets and also becomes airborne in form of fecal pellets. These studies suggested that the relevant form of mite allergens was almost certainly the fecal pellet.KeywordsHouse DustFecal PelletDust SampleHouse Dust MiteMajor AllergenThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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