
Abstract. Hourly-resolved aerosol chemical speciation data can be a highly powerful tool to determine the source origin of atmospheric pollutants in urban environments. Aerosol mass concentrations of seventeen elements (Na, Mg, Al, S, Cl, K, Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Sr and Pb) were obtained by time (1 h) and size (PM2.5 particulate matter < 2.5 μm) resolved aerosol samples analysed by Particle Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) measurements. In the Marie Curie European Union framework of SAPUSS (Solving Aerosol Problems by Using Synergistic Strategies), the approach used is the simultaneous sampling at two monitoring sites in Barcelona (Spain) during September–October 2010: an urban background site (UB) and a street canyon traffic road site (RS). Elements related to primary non-exhaust traffic emission (Fe, Cu), dust resuspension (Ca) and anthropogenic Cl were found enhanced at the RS, whereas industrial related trace metals (Zn, Pb, Mn) were found at higher concentrations at the more ventilated UB site. When receptor modelling was performed with positive matrix factorization (PMF), nine different aerosol sources were identified at both sites: three types of regional aerosols (regional sulphate (S) – 27%, biomass burning (K) – 5%, sea salt (Na-Mg) – 17%), three types of dust aerosols (soil dust (Al-Ti) – 17%, urban crustal dust (Ca) – 6%, and primary traffic non-exhaust brake dust (Fe-Cu) – 7%), and three types of industrial aerosol plumes-like events (shipping oil combustion (V-Ni) – 17%, industrial smelters (Zn-Mn) – 3%, and industrial combustion (Pb-Cl) – 5%, percentages presented are average source contributions to the total elemental mass measured). The validity of the PMF solution of the PIXE data is supported by very good correlations with external single particle mass spectrometry measurements. Some important conclusions can be drawn about the PM2.5 mass fraction simultaneously measured at the UB and RS sites: (1) the regional aerosol sources impact both monitoring sites at similar concentrations regardless their different ventilation conditions; (2) by contrast, local industrial aerosol plumes associated with shipping oil combustion and smelters activities have a higher impact on the more ventilated UB site; (3) a unique source of Pb-Cl (associated with combustion emissions) is found to be the major (82%) source of fine Cl in the urban agglomerate; (4) the mean diurnal variation of PM2.5 primary traffic non-exhaust brake dust (Fe-Cu) suggests that this source is mainly emitted and not resuspended, whereas PM2.5 urban dust (Ca) is found mainly resuspended by both traffic vortex and sea breeze; (5) urban dust (Ca) is found the aerosol source most affected by land wetness, reduced by a factor of eight during rainy days and suggesting that wet roads may be a solution for reducing urban dust concentrations.


  • It has been largely recognised that air quality and exposure to air pollution have severe consequences and direct growing effects on human health such as diseases of the respiratory and cardiac systems (Pope and Dockery, 2006)

  • Hourly-resolved elemental concentration data obtained by the combined use of streaker samples followed by PIXE analysis were successfully used to determine both the source origin of aerosol PM2.5 elemental mass in urban environments and their contribution to the concentrations of the detected elements

  • The detailed chemical database with high time resolution presented in this paper demonstrates in more detail than previous studies that the spatial and temporal variability of atmospheric element content is a likely characteristic of Barcelona urban area and offers a deeper insight in source identification

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It has been largely recognised that air quality and exposure to air pollution have severe consequences and direct growing effects on human health such as diseases of the respiratory and cardiac systems (Pope and Dockery, 2006). The sources of PM2.5 (PM< 2.5 μm; fine particles) and PM2.5−10 (PM 2.5–10 μm; coarse particles) usually differ and they include a wide range of natural phenomena and human activities. The vast majority of aerosol source apportionment studies in the literature are limited by the time resolution of the input samples, typically off-line filter collections of 12–24 h (Pant and Harrison, 2012). This is due to a number of reasons, including the air flow rate of the sampler and the detection limit of the analytical method to be applied on the collected aerosol mass. Increasing the time resolution of the measurements typically provides samples that have greater between-sample variability in the source contributions than samples integrated over longer time periods

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