
AbstractLiriomyza sonchi Hendel was screened for its host specificity as a potential biological control agent against sow-thistles (Sonchus spp.). Recent literature indicated that L. sonchi is recorded frequently from Sonchus spp., but also from Arnoseris minima Schweigger and Koerte and Reichardia arabicum Hochstetter and Steudel. A total of 78 plant species were tested, including 37 species in the Cichorieae (Compositae). In no-choice tests, feeding punctures were observed on species in the closely related genera Aetheorrhiza, Crepis, Lactuca, and Taraxacum, and such distantly related species as Helichrysum bracteatum Andrews var. monstrosum Hortorum (Inuleae tribe, Compositae) and Pisum sativum L. (Leguminosae). From 0.04 to 0.67 adults per female were produced on Aetheorrhiza bulbosa (L.), Crepis dioscordis L., C. rubra L., Leontodon hispidus L., and Taraxacum officinale Weber as compared with about 23 per female on its host, Sonchus arvensis L. No species in these genera other than Sonchus are reported as hosts in the field in Europe and they are therefore considered to be cage-induced hosts. Because of its economic importance, 10 cultivars of lettuce, Lactuca sativa L., were exposed to a total of 837 females in no-choice tests. One puparium and one adult (0.006 per female) were produced. In one replicated choice test with 150 females, no mines were produced on lettuce. It is concluded that the field host range of L. sonchi is restricted to Sonchus spp.

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