
The nutritional and production costs associated with the development of a competent immune response against nematode parasites is described, based on data from sheep. Anorexia and changes in metabolism are considered to be driven by the host immune response itself and the question is raised about the wisdom of seeking to strengthen immune responses by genetic selection. Several phases of the immune response are identified with different implications for loss of productivity and opportunity for moderation of immune responses and production losses by nutrition. Many animals are able to manage nematode infections with little loss of productivity. In an era when attempts are being made to reduce anthelmintic use and create refugia to reduce the rate of development of drench resistance, treatments based on individual animal performance relative to production targets set by assessment of the prevailing nutritional environment will become more common. These developments, have already occurred in relation to the haematophagic nematodes, for example the "Famacha" technique. Computer-aided weighing and drafting has potential for use with the less pathogenic nematodes prevalent in temperate regions though we need to know more about the pathophysiology and nutritional costs of infections with Nematodirus spp.


  • Revista Brasileira de ZootecniaHost immune responses to nematodes: benefit or cost? Implications for future development of sustainable methods of control

  • The widespread evidence for developing drug resistance in nematode populations during the last two decades is shifting the emphasis in livestock production systems from anthelmintic regimes which maximise livestock production to regimes which optimise livestock production while slowing or preventing the development of anthelmintic resistance

  • A second line of attack has been the introduction of genetic selection programmes for animals, sheep, with greater resistance to nematodes

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Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia

Host immune responses to nematodes: benefit or cost? Implications for future development of sustainable methods of control. In an era when attempts are being made to reduce anthelmintic use and create refugia to reduce the rate of development of drench resistance, treatments based on individual animal performance relative to production targets set by assessment of the prevailing nutritional environment will become more common. These developments, have already occurred in relation to the haematophagic nematodes, for example the “Famacha” technique. Numa era em que se se visa à redução do uso de anti-helmínticos e a alternativas para redução da taxa de desenvolvimento de resistência, tratamentos com base no desempenho individual do animal relacionado à produção e que sinalizam pela avaliação do ambiente nutricional serão mais comuns. Palavras-chave: alvos com tratamento específico, imunopatologia do hospedeiro, nematóides

The immune response
The immune response and productivity
Implications for flock and herd management
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