
Horticultural products and services impact the health and well-being of urban populations. This is an extremely important group for horticultural scientists and researchers to serve: more than half of all people worldwide already live in urban areas, and more than two-thirds will do so by 2050. In this chapter we address the past, current, and future roles that horticultural science plays in the major issues of concern to public welfare: public health, environmental health, food security, and economic stability. Urban horticulture has important impacts on the health of the individual and the community, two concerns of public health. Documented individual health benefits include less depression and improved pregnancy outcomes from walking in or living near urban green spaces. Community gardens, parks, and other urban vegetation enhance community health by improving social interactions, such as family dynamics, and public safety, such as protection from crimes. Uses of plants to improve the urban environment include temperature modification, air pollution reduction, and water quality improvement. Impacts on biological diversity are mixed. Other negative impacts include the introduction of invasive species. Urban food security requires food in sufficient, nutritious, and affordable quantities. Providing this for all people is one of the greatest challenges for horticultural science. Potential solutions include increasing small-scale food production in urban areas by providing more community gardens or converting vacant lots. Horticulture contributes directly to urban economics through the production and sales of horticultural products by urban businesses. Indirect contributions from plants include higher property values and more productive employees. The increasing urbanization and aging of the human population is happening in conjunction with rising environmental destruction from global warming and climate change. Combining the traditional horticultural concern of feeding the world with an expanded understanding of the additional functions provided by horticultural products, the needs of urban people, and the opportunities to partner with professionals in other disciplines will be essential in the unpredictable future.

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