
Home blood pressure monitoring (HBPM), which integrates patients into their treatment program, is a self-management tool. The prevalence of home sphygmomanometer ownership and patient compliance with HBPM guidelines are not well known, especially in developing and underdeveloped countries. The aims of this study were to measure the prevalence of home sphygmomanometer ownership among hypertensive subjects through a nationwide field survey (PatenT2), to investigate the validation of sphygmomanometers and consistency of the user arm circumference and cuff size of the upper-arm device owned, as well as to compare blood pressure (BP) readings between hypertensive subjects who have or do not have a sphygmomanometer. Sample selection was based on a multistratified proportional sampling procedure to select a nationally representative sample of the adult population (n = 5437). Of 1650 hypertensive subjects, 332 (20.1%) owned a device, but the percentage of patients who owned a sphygmomanometer was 28.8% among patients who were aware of their hypertension (260/902). The usage of wrist devices and nonvalidated devices is common, and selection of an appropriate cuff size is ignored. Linear-regression analysis showed that owning a BP monitor is associated with decreases of 3.7 mmHg and 2.8 mmHg for systolic and diastolic BPs, respectively. Many patients do not own a sphygmomanometer. The decrease of systolic and diastolic BPs among BP monitor owners is a striking finding. The implementation of a hypertension care program consisting of sphygmomanometer reimbursement and training of patients in its use for HBPM might be cost-effective.

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