
ABSTRACT We quantified home range size and philopatry in ornate box turtles, Terrapene ornata ornata, with minimum convex polygons (MCP) and 95% Kernel areas (K) calculated from radio telemetry data in Iowa during 1999–2001. We also analyzed philopatry by mark-recapture data during 1994–2000. Ten adult turtles were followed every other day from May to Sep. 2000 and seven of the turtles were followed in 2001. Mean monthly MCP and K home ranges of males and females did not significantly differ. Mean annual MCP and K home ranges for males were significantly larger than those of females. For an individual, monthly MCP home ranges overlapped on average 19.3% between years and K home ranges overlapped an average of 6.0%. There were no significant differences in annual or monthly home range overlap between sexes for K home ranges, but MCP monthly home range overlap was significantly larger for males. Annual MCP home ranges overlapped on average 40.9% between years and K annual home range overlap averaged 6.8%. S...

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