
We report a novel HLA-C allele that was identified during routine HLA typing using sequence-based methods. The patient was initially typed as a C*06:02, 06:04 with two nucleotide mismatches in exon 3, (C to T and T to G changes) which would have resulted in a non-synonymous mutation of a leucine residue being replaced with tryptophan. Further resolution of the patient’s type by using sequence-specific primers (SSP) revealed that the companion allele to C*06:02 was a novel C*17:01. Confirmation of the existence of the new allele was performed across multiple platforms: Sanger sequencing, SSP, and Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) on the original sample and allele-specific clones for the entire HLA-C locus. The investigation revealed a single nucleotide mismatch within the Sanger sequencing primer binding site in intron 3. The mutation caused the initial C*17 dropout in exons 2 and 3. Further analysis of the Sanger and NGS data revealed that the C*17 had two additional unique positions in introns 2 and 7. The companion C*06:02 allele also possessed a novel position at intron 3. On August 31, 2013, the WHO nomenclature committee officially named the novel C*17:01 allele sequence as C*17:01:01:03 and the novel C*06:02 allele sequence as C*06:02:01:03.

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