
Haemonchosis is an endo-parasitic infection of ruminants caused by Haemonchus parasites and causes economic losses of production system in developing countries. Properdiagnosisisimportantforpreventionandcontrolstrategies.Thepresentstudy was conducted to observe the histopathological and haematological changes in Haemonchus infection in small ruminants (sheep and goat). A total of 50 gastrointestinaltractsandliverswerecollectedfrom50slaughteredanimalswhile17 samples were found as positive to haemonchosis. These parasites were detected by morphometric features. In the histopathological section, all abomasa of the infected host (17) disclosed hemorrhages, edema, congestion of the blood vessels and desquamation of abomasal villi. The lymphocytic and huge amount of eosinophilic infiltration (52.94%) was found in mucous and gastric glands of the abomasum. Liver showed (17.64%) congestion, hepatocyte degeneration, bile duct hyperplasia and mononuclear cell infiltration. Uniform basophilic calcified mass and lined by thick fibrous capsule were also observed in the liver. In the haematological study, the packedcellvolume(%)wassignificantly(P=0.005)declined(24.53±4.69)comparedto the normal value (25-40%). The RBC (6.15±1.85 million/mm3) and Hb (8.40±0.92g/dl) concentration were apparently lower than the normal values. Eosinophil (5.59±2.37%) and lymphocyte (78.11±9.71%) count were apparently increased compared to their normal values (1-6% and 50-70%, respectively) in Differential cell count. These findings of the present study may upgrade the diagnostic tools of haemonchosis in small ruminants in Bangladesh.

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