
On the basis of the Department of Animal Anatomy of the St. Petersburg State University of Veterinary Medicine, we examined 10 corpses of sheep of the Edilbaevsky breed aged one year and older. The cadaverous material for the study was samples of the jejunum of sheep of the Edilbaev breed. In the course of the study, histological and morphological data were obtained and processed, as well as features of the histostructures of the jejunum wall of sheep of the Edilbaev breed in postnatal ontogenesis were revealed. In our study, a complex of traditional histological methods and staining was used: hematoxylin-eosin and Masson trichrome. Violations of the trophism of the jejunum can lead to incomplete development of the organism as a whole, and in rare cases to a fatal outcome, leading to economically unprofitable situations in sheep farms. The lean book of sheep is a segment of the small intestine, in which not only band, wall digestion is carried out, but also the absorption of a large part of nutrients, micromacroelements, vitamins and water, as well as the area where diseases such as inversion and intussusceptions of the intestine are most common. As a result of the study, it was concluded that the walls of the jejunum of sheep of the Edilba breed aged one year and older have a similar structure with a similar type of digestive system in other ruminants. Morphometric data have been established, in particular, the thickness of the intestinal membranes, the thickness and height of the villi, the depth of the crypts in this breed of sheep, which may vary from a certain load of the digestive apparatus.


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