
With preeclampsia/eclampsia (PE/E), infants more often are either large or small for gestational age. We explored whether the differences in infant birthweight (BW), placental weights (PW), or time of onset are associated with histologic features of maternal vascular underperfusion. A retrospective chart identified 243 PE/E gestations between 2007 and 2010. Gestational age only was known at slide review. Investigated features included increased syncytial knots, villous agglutination, increased intervillous fibrin, distal villous hypoplasia, acute atherosis, mural hypertrophy of membrane arterioles, muscularized basal plate arteries, increased placental site giant cells, increased immature intermediate trophoblasts, infarcts, and villitis. The results were correlated with BW, PW, and onset time PE/E. One hundred thirty-eight PE/E gestations were identified with adequate slides and history. Increased BW placentas had decreased syncytial knots and increased mural hypertrophy of membrane arterioles. Decreased BW had increased placenta site giant cells. Increased PW had decreased distal villous hypoplasia. Decreased PW had increased syncytial knots, increased intervillous fibrin, and increased acute atherosis. Early-onset disease had increased syncytial knots, distal villous hypoplasia, villous agglutination, and infarcts. This suggests PE/E is not a single process resulting in a uniform distribution of lesions but, rather, is composed of several different processes manifesting a single clinical presentation.

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