
Histogram equalization and specification have been widely used to enhance the content of grayscale images, with histogram specification having the advantage of allowing the output histogram to be specified as compared to histogram equalization which attempts to produce and output histogram which is uniform. Unfortunately, extending histogram techniques to color images is not very straightforward. Performing histogram specification on color images in the RGB color space results in specified histograms that are hard to interpret for a particular enhancement that is desired. Human perception of color interprets a color in terms of its hue, saturation, and intensity components. In this paper, we describe a method of extending graylevel histogram specification to color images by performing histogram specification on the luminance (or intensity), saturation, and hue components in the color difference (C-Y) color space. This method takes into account the correlation between the hue, saturation, and intensity components while yielding specified histograms which have physical meaning. Histogram specification was performed on an example color image and was shown to enhance the color content and details within this image without introducing unwanted artifacts.

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