
The most common effect occurred during anaesthesia is the decrease of body temperature. Technologicaldevelopment has enabled the used the latest innovations in order to to increase the efficacy and the safetyof anaesthesia. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of ketamine-xylazine injection onhypothermia and its recovery at dog which anesthetized with isoflurane. Ten healthy dogs were dividedinto two groups with each group consisted offive dogs. In Group A, dogs were given premedication (atropinesulfate 0.04 mg/kg) and then anaesthetized with isoflurane gas (4% for induction dose and 1% for themaintenance dose). In Group B dogs were given premedication atropine sulfate (0.04 mg/kg) and ketamineHCl induction solution (10 mg/kg) mixed with xylazine HCl (2 mg/kg), and anaesthetized with isofluranegas (maintenance dose of 1%). Adaptation period was conducted in one week. Body temperature wasmeasured before, during, and after the duration of anaesthesia. The data was analyzed statistically by arepeated Anova test. This study found that the mean body temperature of dogs in Group A decreased from37,88±0,51 oC to 34,64±0,95 oC over a period of anaesthesia, and the recovery time was over 40 minutespost-anaesthesia. In Group B, body temperature decreased from 38.06±0.42 oC to 34.96±1.23 oC, and therecovery time was 90 minutes. In conclusion, the use of ketamine-xylazine in isoflurane anaesthesiaprocedures on dogs, would need post-anaesthesia preparation procedure regarding with hypothermia andits recovery.


  • Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi di bidang anestesi berlangsung dengan sangat pesat

  • The most common effect occurred during anaesthesia is the decrease of body temperature

  • The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of ketamine-xylazine injection on hypothermia and its recovery at dog which anesthetized with isoflurane

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Jurnal Veteriner

Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi di bidang anestesi berlangsung dengan sangat pesat. Hal ini terjadi seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi mesin/sirkuit pada prosedur anestesi gas (Nugroho et al, 2012). Metode lain yang juga populer adalah prosedur anestesi disosiatif dengan kombinasi ketamin-xylazin secara intramuskuler. Pada kajian lain xylazin digunakan sebagai campuran ketamin dengan tujuan sebagai penyeimbang kerja ketamin, menyebabkan relaksasi muskulus, dan mencegah terjadinya eksitasi saat dilakukan anestesi inhalasi (Yudaniayanti et al, 2010). Penggunaan beberapa anestetik memiliki efek samping penurunan suhu tubuh dan berpengaruh pada saturasi oksigen (Noviana et al, 2006). Penggunaan induksi ketamin-xylazin dilakukan untuk mempermudah penanganan (seperti dalam pemasangan endotracheal tube), menghasilkan stadium anestesi yang lebih dalam, dan alasan kesejahteraan hewan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan untuk mengetahui efek induksi ketamin-xylazin terhadap kejadian hipotermia dan kecepatan pemulihan suhu tubuh anjing yang dianestesi gas isofluran. Hasil penelitian diharapkan memberikan informasi alternatif penggunaan anestetik yang lebih efektif dan aman digunakan, serta rekomendasi penyiapan prosedur perawatan pascabedah

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