
Research relevance is determined by severalsignificant conditions, which derive from the socio-economical situation andopportunities of adolescent personality development that are linked to thissituation: the socio-economical circumstances in the family, the mutualrelationship between parents and children in the family, various stereotypesabout hip-hop as an uncontrolled crowd behaviour, etc. Basedon the theoretical and empirical data, the article analyzes hip-hop culture,the attitude towards it and its possibilities of providing an awareness ofadolescents as personalities. Hip-hop values serve as additional resources toformal education, as they teach the adolescent to search for non-standardcreative solutions within instable and difficult-to-predict situations, to beaware of own identity in the family, at school and in society. Conducted empirical studies suggest thatpedagogy that is based on values of hip-hop culture helps to decrease thetension caused by different cultures and nationalities, as the new generationreconciles the contradictions through artistic expressions instead of usingaggressive actions against those holding alternative views. Hip-hop as acultural phenomenon is linked to the principles of social justice. Adolescentsmake use of kinaesthetic means of expression to communicate their identity,this way overcoming the linguistic barriers. The adolescent has a possibilityto integrate into the cultural environment by preserving personal identity. Thecompetitiveness of hip-hop dance helps in self-affirmation and in findingapproval – the adolescent feels understood. Hip-hop dance becomes a pedagogicalmeans of social integration and of stabilizing social situations. Knowledgeabout hip-hop culture as well as its skills helps dance teachers better understandthe age-related peculiarities of adolescents and facilitates a value-orientedupbringing process of adolescents. A hip hop dance teacher becomes theadolescent’s counsellor and a person of trust, helping to solve problems in thefamily, at school and in the local community. KEYWORDS: hip-hop culture, dance, creativity, self-expression.

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