
s / Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 21 (2013) S63–S312 S138 Purpose: The aim of this study was to examine the association between trabecular bone texture with occurrence of knee joint replacement (KJR) using a variance orientation transform (VOT) method. Methods: The association of trabecular bone texture and knee joint replacement was tested in a six year prospective study of 123 subjects with symptomatic knee osteoarthritis (OA) of whom data regarding KJR was available for 114. At baseline weight-bearing anteroposterior tibiofemoral radiographs were acquired. Trabecular bone texture regions were selected from the medial and lateral tibia subchondral bone. The VOT method was applied to each bone region and five fractal bone texture parameters, i.e. mean fractal dimension (FDMEAN), fractal dimensions in the horizontal (FDH) and vertical (FDV) directions, and along the roughest part of trabecular bone (FDSta), and texture aspect ratio (Str) were calculated. The association of tertiles of baseline fractal parameters with risk of JR was analysed using logistic regression, adjusting for gender, age, body mass index, Kellgren and Lawrence grade and WOMAC pain score. Results: 28 participants’ study knees underwent knee joint replacement over 6 years. Participants who had a knee joint replacement had lower medial FDMEAN (p 1⁄4 0.04 for difference) and lower medial FDH (p 1⁄4 0.04 for difference). The relationship between measures of bone texture and knee joint replacement was examined. With increasing tertile of mean fractal dimension (FDMEAN), adjusted for age, gender, body mass index, Kellgren Lawrence grade and WOMAC pain score, the odds of knee joint replacement diminished significantly (p 1⁄4 0.04 for trend). There was also a suggestion that the upper tertiles of the fractal dimension in the horizontal direction (FDH), were associated with a significant reduction in risk of KJR compared to the lowest tertile (p 1⁄4 0.15 for trend). Conclusions: This study shows that the texture of medial tibial trabecular bone measured from plain radiographs is related to the risk of knee joint replacement. Specifically with increasing mean fractal dimension (FDMEAN) the risk of joint replacement was reduced, independent of other clinical predictors of joint replacement. Tibial trabecular bone texture may be useful as a marker of disease progression and a target of therapy to delay knee joint replacement. Ă 253 HIP CHONDROPATHY IS PREVALENT AT ARTHROSCOPY AND IS ASSOCIATED WITH CO-EXISTING PATHOLOGY, BUT NOT PATIENT REPORTED OUTCOMES J.L. Kemp y, M. Makdissi z, A.G. Schache z, M.G. Pritchard x, K.M. Crossley y. yUniv. of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia; zUniv. of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia; xHip Arthroscopy Australia, Hobart,

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