
Genome sequencing technology has witnessed tremendous progress in terms of throughput and cost per base pair, resulting in an explosion in the size of data. Typical de Bruijn graph-based assembly tools demand a lot of processing power and memory and cannot assemble big datasets unless running on a scaled-up server with terabytes of RAMs or scaled-out cluster with several dozens of nodes. In the first part of this work, we present a distributed next-generation sequence (NGS) assembler called Lazer, that achieves both scalability and memory efficiency by using partitioned de Bruijn graphs. By enhancing the memory-to-disk swapping and reducing the network communication in the cluster, we can assemble large sequences such as human genomes (~400 GB) on just two nodes in 14.5 hours, and also scale up to 128 nodes in 23 minutes. We also assemble a synthetic wheat genome with 1.1 TB of raw reads on 8 nodes in 18.5 hours and on 128 nodes in 1.25 hours. In the second part, we present a new distributed GPU-accelerated NGS assembler called LaSAGNA, which can assemble large-scale sequence datasets using a single GPU by building string graphs from approximate all-pair overlaps in quasi-linear time. To use the limited memory on GPUs efficiently, LaSAGNA uses a two-level semi-streaming approach from disk through host memory to device memory with restricted access patterns on both disk and host memory. Using LaSAGNA, we can assemble the human genome dataset on a single NVIDIA K40 GPU in 17 hours, and in a little over 5 hours on an 8-node cluster of NVIDIA K20s. In the third part, we present the first distributed 3rd generation sequence (3GS) assembler which uses a map-reduce computing paradigm and a distributed hash-map, both built on a high-performance networking middleware. Using this assembler, we assembled an Oxford Nanopore human genome dataset (~150 GB) in just over half an hour using 128 nodes whereas existing 3GS assemblers could not assemble it because of memory and/or time limitations.

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