
A joint research and development effort whose ultimate goal is to develop an intense, high charge state, ion source for mega-electron-volt ion implanters has been initiated. Present day high-energy ion implanters utilize low charge state (usually single charge) ion sources in combination with radio frequency (rf) accelerators. Usually, a MeV Linear Accelerator (MV LINAC) is used for acceleration of a few milliamperes. It is desirable to have instead an intense, high charge state ion source on a relatively low energy platform [direct current (dc) acceleration] to generate high-energy ion beams for implantation. This endeavor is a continuation of earlier research, which resulted in generating ions like Pb+7 and Bi+8 and ion currents exceeding 200 mA. The natural next step is to convert and optimize ion charge state enhancement techniques to generate B, P, As, and Sb ions, and adapt them to a dc implanter. A number of schemes are to be pursued simultaneously. The most promising approach is to be developed into a commercial ion source.

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