
The electrocatalytic reduction of carbon dioxide at Cu based metal organic framework film surface was studied in N,N-dimethylformamide containing tetrabutylammonium tetrafluoroborate with saturated CO2. Cyclic voltammetric studies of the MOF film immobilized onto GC in 0.1MKCl clearly showed the well defined Cu(II)/Cu(I) and Cu(I)/Cu(0) reversible redox responses. In the presence of saturated CO2/TBATFB/DMF solution, the cyclic voltammetric studies revealed that the electrochemically generated Cu(I) formed adduct with carbon dioxide in-situ and on further formed oxalic acid. The formation of oxalic acid was confirmed by GCMS in bulk electrolysis experiment. A detailed mechanism for the formation of oxalic acid was also discussed in this communication.

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