
Using light to measure an object’s motion is central to operating mechanical sensors that probe forces and fields. Cavity optomechanical systems embed mechanical resonators inside optical resonators. This enhances the sensitivity of optomechanical measurements, but only if the mechanical resonator does not spoil the properties of the optical cavity. For example, cavity optomechanical detection of resonators made from optically absorbing materials, or whose geometry does not possess suitable spatial symmetry, is challenging. Here we demonstrate a system that overcomes challenges in measuring high-frequency twisting motion of a nanodisk by converting them to vibrations of a photonic crystal cavity. Optomechanical readout of the cavity then enables measurement of the nanodisk’s torsional resonances with sensitivity 5.1 × 10 − 21 − 1.2 × 10 − 19 N m / H z for a mechanical frequency range of 5–800 MHz. The nanodisk can be outfitted with magnetic nanostructures or metasurfaces without affecting the optical properties of the cavity, making the system suitable for torque magnetometry and structured light sensing.

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