
We exhibit surprising relations between higher spin theory and non-linear realizations of the supergroup OSp(1|8), a minimal superconformal extension of N=1, 4D supersymmetry with tensorial charges. We construct a realization of OSp(1|8) on the coset supermanifold OSp(1|8)/SL(4,R) which involves the tensorial superspace R(10|4) and Goldstone superfields given on it. The covariant superfield equation encompassing the component ones for all integer and half-integer massless higher spins amounts to the vanishing of covariant spinor derivatives of the suitable Goldstone superfields, and, via Maurer–Cartan equations, to the vanishing of SL(4,R) supercurvature in odd directions of R(10|4). Aiming at higher spin extension of the Ogievetsky–Sokatchev formulation of N=1 supergravity, we generalize the notion of N=1 chirality and construct first examples of invariant superfield actions involving a non-trivial interaction. Some other potential implications of OSp(1|8) in the proposed setting are briefly outlined.

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