
Universities play a strategic role towards a sustainable future, as they address the complex scientific research on green transition and enable students from diverse backgrounds to acquire different skills, integrate multiple perspectives, and handle the sustainability of the ongoing and future renewable energy sector. In this paper, we describe a collaborative project between multiple HEIs (European and African) and local institutions, which promotes an interdisciplinary approach to address climate change and green energy transitions in the curricula of universities, used in the context of the ERASMUS+ program (DALILA-Development of new Academic curricuLa on sustaInabLe energies and green economy in Africa). The project recognizes and values different kinds of knowledge in renewable energy and green economy to address the energy transition in higher education in African countries as a prerequisite for climate change mitigation and sustainable development.


  • Climate change and environmental crises are jeopardizing the sustainability of countries around the globe, calling for global greater efforts to move towards greener societies and economies

  • Puts specialfocused effort in the beneficiary to create links ate international programs onsupporting teaching renewable energyuniversities and green economics can with bodies operating the renewable energy, energy efficiency, and sustainable develbe considered a strategyintoward sustainability, sustainable development, and green energy opment sectors, as well as inendeavors similar areas students disseminating may find appealing for their future transition

  • As the involvement of stakeholders is keycommitted for the sustainability of the project, difand enhancing an international network of HEIs to environmental education and engaging under non-governmental organisations (NGOs), the broad umbrella of sustainability

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Climate change and environmental crises are jeopardizing the sustainability of countries around the globe, calling for global greater efforts to move towards greener societies and economies. The main joint challenge of the project is to equip students that will enter the labor market with the ability to learn the skills required for adopting new technologies, meeting new environmental regulations, and shifting to renewable sources of energy In this sense, a multidisciplinary training plays a fundamental role in providing students with greater skills and opening their minds, allowing them to add value to local communities and contribute in different ways to the green transition. This paper aims at identifying the main challenges of higher education institutions to be able to interpret the complexity of real-life processes by introducing interdisciplinary and international courses within a university culture based on disciplinary faculties In this sense, the DALILA project can be considered an important building block in creating fruitful international partnerships among different academic and non-academic institutions. Sustainability 2022, 14, x FOR PEER REVIEW the role of non-academic entities working in the renewable energy and sustainable develof 18 opment sectors in creating a link between universities and labor market in the project.3The final section provides some concluding remarks

Literature and Reality and
Challenges for International and Interdisciplinary HEI in Africa
Strengthen critical analysis of complex problems
Creation of the Common Syllabi of DALILA Courses
Step 3–Booster the Connection between Universities and Local Labor Market
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