
By designing a structured gas density profile between the dual-stage gas jets to manipulate electron seeding and energy chirp reversal for compressing the energy spread, we have experimentally produced high-brightness high-energy electron beams from a cascaded laser wakefield accelerator with peak energies in the range of 200-600MeV, 0.4%-1.2%rms energy spread, 10-80pC charge, and ∼0.2 mrad rms divergence. The maximum six-dimensional brightness B_{6D,n} is estimated as ∼6.5×10^{15} A/m^{2}/0.1%, which is very close to the typical brightness of e beams from state-of-the-art linac drivers. These high-brightness high-energy e beams may lead to the realization of compact monoenergetic gamma-ray and intense coherent x-ray radiation sources.

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