
Malaria remains a public health problem in Côte d'Ivoire. To cope with this issue, the Ministry of Health established strategies through Long-Lasting Insecticidal Nets (LLINs) and artemisinin-based medicines. To better understand the influence of periodic mass distribution of LLINs on malaria transmission, this entomological survey was conducted in three regions of Côte d'Ivoire. Mosquitoes were sampled by Human Landing Catches (HLC) in urban and rural settings of Korhogo, Man and Abengourou. Mosquitoes were identified morphologically and by molecular methods. Plasmodium falciparum infection was assessed by ELISA, and the Entomological Inoculation Rates (EIR) were calculated for each species and setting. Only An. gambiae s.l. was identified in Korhogo and in Abengourou while An. gambiae s.l. and An. funestus s.l. was reported in Man. An. coluzzii was the most abundant species of the An. gambiae siblings collected in Abengourou, and in Man while An. gambiae was most abundant in Korhogo. In urban settings, malaria vectors showed high aggressiveness (>11 bites per person per night) and the annual EIR was high (83.22-438.44 infectious bites per person per year). In rural settings, malaria vectors showed also high aggressiveness (19-52 b/p/n). The annual EIR is very high (>94 ib/p/yr). However, the weakest EIR was recorded in the northern region with 94.90 ib/p/yr. This work indicates that malaria transmission remains high and heterogeneous across Côte d'Ivoire, despite repeated mass distribution of LLINs. Also, in Man, malaria transmission is more intense with the involvement of two main vectors. Furthermore, in the village of Korhogo, the EIR remained relatively low.

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