
The i.r. spectra of Al3Cl3NH3, trichloroammine aluminium, and AlCl3ND3, trichloroammine(D) aluminium, vapours were recorded in the 50–1800 and 2300–3500 cm−1 regions with an evacuable Fourier transform spectrometer by transmission and emission techniques. Evacuable cells of nickel, having windows of type lIa diamond and sealed with O-rings of gold, were employed.All i.r. active fundamentals were assigned and a valence force field based upon the present i.r. frequencies was derived. An indirect observation of the inactive torsional mode rules out the possibility of free internal rotation around the AlN bond and this conclusion was supported by an ab initio calculation.The spectra were interpreted in terms of a staggered C3υ structure and analysis of i.r. band contours and Raman polarization measurements reported in the literature were used as an aid to the assignment of fundamentals.

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