
A total of 248 UAV RGB images were taken in the summer of 2021 over a representative pistachio orchard in Spain (X: 341450.3, Y: 4589731.8; ETRS89/UTM zone 30N). It is a 2.03 ha plot, planted in 2016 with Pistacia vera L. cv. Kerman grafted on UCB rootstock, with a NE–SW orientation and a 7 × 6 m triangular planting pattern. The ground was kept free of any weeds that could affect image processing. The photos (provided in JPG format) were taken using a UAV DJI Phantom Advance quadcopter in two flight missions: one planned to take nadir images (β = 0°), and another to take oblique images (β = 30°), both at 55 metres above the ground. The aerial platform incorporates a DJI FC6310 RGB camera with a 20 megapixel sensor, a horizontal field of view of 84° and a mechanical shutter. In addition, GCPs (ground control points) were collected. Finally, a high-quality 3D photogrammetric reconstruction process was carried out to generate a 3D point cloud (provided in LAS, LAZ, OBJ and PLY formats), a DEM (digital elevation model) and an orthomosaic (both in TIF format). The interest in using remote sensing in precision agriculture is growing, but the availability of reliable, ready-to-work, downloadable datasets is limited. Therefore, this dataset could be useful for precision agriculture researchers interested in photogrammetric reconstruction who want to evaluate models for orthomosaic and 3D point cloud generation from UAV missions with changing flight parameters, such as camera angle.

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