
Electron beam induced etching (EBIE) and deposition (EBID) are promising fabricationtechniques in which an electron beam is used to dissociate surface-adsorbed precursormolecules to achieve etching or deposition. Spatial resolution is normally limited by theelectron flux distribution at the substrate surface. Here we present simultaneous EBIE andEBID (EBIED) as a method for surpassing this resolution limit by using adsorbatedepletion to induce etching and deposition in adjacent regions within the electron fluxprofile. Our simulation results indicate the possibility of growth control of radiallysymmetric nanostructures at the sub-1 nm length scale on bulk substrates. Thetechnique is well suited to the fabrication of ring-shaped nanostructures such as thoseemployed in plasmonics, sensing devices, magneto-optics and magnetoelectronics.

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